Creative PR and
communications agency
on the south coast 

We work with you to build a network of strong communications around your business.

Think of it as scaffolding for your business’ messaging. 

Every platform and chanel you use to communicate with your audience needs to be aligned and it starts with establishing what your messaging is. What’s important to you and your business. What do you want to tell people? Once we’ve established this, let us develop a plan that delivers this messaging in the most impactful way. 

Media coverage for your business is great but it will fall flat if the rest of your communications channels don’t support it.

We work with you to build a robust scaffolding of strong and impactful communications around your business. 



Hayley sitting on a blanket on a stoney beach holding a notebook and pen

What we believe in 

Working collaboratively and creatively.

Leaning heavily on our creativity to strengthen your brand’s impact.

Being intentional.

By choosing to work with us, you’re making very intentional decisions to invest in bringing greater visibility for your brand. We work with you to create a bespoke strategy to achieve what you need.

Staying agile.

Nothing in this world stands still or stays the same.

Neither do we.

We’re constantly learning and developing our skills to support you.

How you can work with us

A picture of Hayley holding a pen poised on her notebook. You can only see Hayley's lap

No two communications strategies look the same.


Media relations – Traditional print and broadcast PR. Securing media coverage for your business with press releases or mentions in articles.

Media interview training – Do you get approached a lot for media interviews and need help refining your skills? There’s a real art to speaking with journalists and it’s a great way to deliver your messaging.

Crisis communications – Businesses facing reputational risk will need to carefully handle the media attention around this.

Events – Have you got a launch coming up or a big event that you want to maximise the media attention around?

Video and image content – We work with some incredible talent to create strong content to help with telling your story. Many of the channels we use in our strategies are very visual and the teams we work with create exceptional visuals to support your messaging.

Your communications strategy might be a mix of these or focus purely on one or two. Get in touch to find out how best to amplify your messaging.  





What important messages do you need to be communicating to your audience?

First we establish what those all important messages and narratives are. 

Then we look closely at how you should be communicating these.


How are you currently communicating to your audiences

Once we know how we need to be communicating to best support your messaging, we look at where the gaps are. 

Plan, adapt, implement 

Next comes the plan.

We bring your communications plan together covering different methods, channels and tactics and work with you to roll it out.