We can be your remote in-house communications contact or we can work alongside your existing team. Hayley takes the lead on all projects and brings in support from her associates adding further expertise where needed.
- A 3 month commitment (minimum) so we can really get some traction.
- An audit on your current communications, aims, targets and achievements.
- Once we’ve established what you want your communications to achieve, we’ll look at where the gaps are and how we can fill them effectively to tell your story.
- The time spent on your brand’s communications is spread out over the month so we are always contactable and available.
- A bespoke plan that targets your audience on the most appropriate channels.
- A monthly call to track progress and review messaging and adapt to business developments.
- Hayley’s expertise and experience turning the spotlight on your brand.
- A 3 month commitment (minimum) so we can really get some traction.
- An audit on your current communications, aims, targets and achievements.
- Once we’ve established what you want your communications to achieve, we’ll look at where the gaps are and how we can fill them effectively to tell your story.
- The time spent on your brand’s communications is spread out over the month so we are always contactable and available.
- A bespoke plan that targets your audience on the most appropriate channels.
- A monthly call to track progress and review messaging and adapt to business developments.
- Hayley’s expertise and experience turning the spotlight on your brand.
Project work
Do you have a short-term project that you would like support with? Perhaps an event coming up that you’d like support with organising and to maximise media attention around.
We work with you to establish the messaging and the most appropriate channels to reach your desired audience. We can provide on-the-ground support during events that expect a media turnout and we can handle any on-the-spot and unexpected media attention.
Hayley has extensive experience with organising visits from senior government officials including the Prime Minister, both international and UK-based. Hayley has seamlessly handled the media attention on the day leaving no stone unturned when it comes to logistics and organising high-profile events and media.
Get in touch for costs.
Media training
Who is media training for?
- If your organisation regularly receives requests to be interviewed
- if you have been giving interviews with media for a while but want to feel more confident with how you handle the process
- For selected spokespeople in the company. Quite often the Managing Director or a senior leader
- If you anticipate media attention ramping up around a certain event
Why is it important?
Handling a media interview is a real art, it’s not simply a case of answering the journalists questions. If it looks easy, then its because the person being interviewed has been trained.
Media training will ensure you know how to stay in control of the interview and how to deliver your key messages effectively. Journalists are looking for a story and they won’t shy away from asking really tough and potentially tricky questions. So it’s important that you feel prepared and approach the interview with confidence.
By investing in a media training, you will learn:
- How to take control of the media interview
- How to handle the really tricky questions with confidence
- How to ensure you deliver your key messages
- How to present yourself on TV and radio
The package includes:
- An initial call to understand your media training needs and to talk through, in detail, the main subjects that are likely to be of media interest.
- A series of key messages and soundbites developed around those subjects.
- A morning session taking you through the learning outcomes listed above.
- Following this, an afternoon session to practise your new skills, fine-tune and build your confidence so you are ready to face the media.
- Information to take away to help you prepare for any future media interviews.
Hayley has been working with national and regional media for 14 years. She have coached colleagues through live and pre-recorded media interviews on set, down-the-line and over the phone with Good Morning Britain, Sky News, BBC and ITV regional and national news channels and local radio stations.
Prices start from £2000 for 3-4 candidates
Crisis communications
If your business is facing a crisis that is likely to attract media attention, it poses a big reputational risk. It’s often not the issue itself that causes the problems but more how it’s handled with the media.
To manage this risk, it’s essential to embed a properly thought-out media strategy as early as you can in order to limit any damage and maintain your business’ core values.
Hayley will work closely with your senior management team under an NDA, if needed, to understand the issue and put a comprehensive plan together for managing the communications and PR around the crisis.
Get in touch for costs.