
Hayley has created a team of talented associates that bring extremely strong skillsets, knowledge and experience to projects.
Led by Hayley, And So The Story Goes may be small, but it is mighty with flexibilty to quickly grow to meet project demand as and when needed.
Hayley Griffith, PR & communications
Hayley created And So The Story Goes Ltd in 2020 under a different name following nearly two years of being immersed in the maritime industry and port life as Head of Communications at the Port of Southampton.
She has nearly two decades of experience in comms and six years in the maritime industry, with a particular skill set in crisis comms. Her knowledge, organisation and attention to detail make her one of the best in the business for strengthening reputation and raising profiles within the maritime industry.
Hayley is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (MCIPR). Being part of this Royal Chartered body for Public Relations brings reassurance to all clients of Hayley’s commitment to the highest professional standards and continuous professional development.
Alex Griffith, Designer
Mike and Sara, drone image specialists
Andrew Sassoli-Walker, award winning photographer
Amber Badger, Copywriter
Amber has worked in communications for over a decade on international, national and regional clients. Amber brings her specialities of copywriting, social media marketing, email marketing to the team. You can find out more information about Amber on Wild Wordsmith
Helen Mortimer, comms support